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They say cats have nine lives, and the leaders and healer cats of the Clan certainly do. To achieve the role of healer or leader, they must speak to the forest guardians in the howling wind at the heart of the forest and hear their whispers. After being approved, healers will be rendered infertile because of the power, but the lives are now there's. Leaders are far luckier and keep their fertility, although to have eight extra leaves causes them great pain, mentally or physically. Some even say they see the faces of the deceased love ones, but no one really knows for sure, as leaders don't seem to want to talk about that.


Apprentices are only apprenticed once they are brave enough to leave the confines of the nursery and climb out to other dens, using the branch system. Many have fallen and injured themselves but those that survive are immediately announced to be apprentices. It proves their determination and bravery.


When two cats want to become mates officially, they venture to the heart of the forest where spirits are strongest. They proclaim their love to the watchful eyes of the trees and if the wind suddenly halts in it's howling, their relationship has been approved and may move on. If the forest doesn't pause for them, they cannot become mates.


While warrior apprentices don't need to pass any extra tests, young cats who want to become healer apprentices must find a very particular herb to even be considered to become a healer apprentice. The fruit is nameless and appears in a new shape for every person. Only cats in tune with the forest spirits and guardians can find it, only cats who have a fate.


Once a kit is born, they must stay in the nursery until they are brave or strong enough to climb onto the other branches. Queens are, therefore, kept cooped-up in the dens for far longer than should be normal as they need to baby their kits. Therefore, some warriors, male or female, spend time as stand-in queens to look after the kits. It's very normal.


The afterlife is said to be peaceful and sweet, a place for eternal joy and rest.

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